Wednesday, March 12, 2008

How To Start an Internet Business The Easy Way

Starting an Internet business can be a daunting experience if you have never done anything like it before. There s a lot of articles flying around the Internet these days telling you exactly the opposite to what I have just said and if you are not careful it is easy to be taken in by some of this hype.
So how do you start an Internet business the easy way? It s not difficult to start an Internet business, but you do need to be shown a clear path that will guide you through each step of the process. It only becomes difficult when you don t know what to do.
When I first starting in this business I had no idea where to begin or what tools I should be using. It took months of research to work this out and finally start to put it all together. I suppose you could out source everything and get someone else to do all the work for you, but for most of us this is not an option because of the high cost involved and anyway I think it makes good business sense to learn the process and put it into practice yourself.
So, where should you begin?
The best place to begin is with your website. You can t do much without a website so this is where you should begin. You will need to learn how to build a basic website and upload it to a web hosting company. This is not as hard as it sounds because there are programs out there that make it very easy for us newbies. When I started out I had never done anything remotely like this before, but once I realised there were programs out there that were simple to use and designed for the non-technical minded, it didn t take me long to create my first basic website.
The next stage for me was to get a website address (domain name) and a web hosting company. You will need to choose a domain that fits in well with your business and ends with the extension .com. There are many extensions around, but if you intend to sell products worldwide then .com is the only one I would recommend. There are many web-hosting companies all offering different packages at different prices so you need to find the right one that fits in with your needs.
Next you will need to find a good PDF tool that converts word documents into PDF files. If you are selling or giving away ebooks, PDF files are the best way to send them because they are the most widely used and trusted method in use today. It s not difficult to convert documents to PDF files and is probably one of the easier steps in the whole process.
Every online business will need a payment processor and the most well-known and trusted one available is Paypal. It s so easy to set it up on your website to start receiving payments. Just go to Paypal, join up if you haven t already got an account and follow the simple online instructions for the payment processor. Again, this process isn t hard to master, but like anything new it will need a little bit of focus until you have mastered it.
You have probably all heard of online theft - so you will need to protect your payments by using a simple program to mask all your payments from thieves. This is very easy to achieve with a simple to use program and one that should not be ignored. Protecting your payments from online thieves isn t complicated so don t miss it out.
One of the most important tools for your new online business will be an autoresponder. These are amazing tools that look after your subscriber lists as you build them up. They can send a message to your entire list with each message being personalised with the recipient s name. They can send out a pre-set number of messages at the rate of one a day or whatever you would like. They can do many other things and will be one of your most valuable tools. Starting an Internet business doesn t have to be difficult, it s just about knowing the order in which things should be done and the best tools to use for the job. Sure at first it may look a daunting task, but once you get stuck in and do your research everything will start to fall in place. Once you take that plunge and actually have a go is when you learn the process for real. You may come across small problems from time to time, but this is all part of the learning curve - you will work your way around them.
I have helped many others achieve their financial goals in offline and online businesses; it doesn t have to be a hard slog. Knowledge is everything and once you have it; it s yours to keep for life! Helping others is a passion of mine and something that gives me great satisfaction in life.
I have a FREE report available that goes much more in depth regarding everything talked about within this article. It walks you through the whole process, showing you each and every tool I used and ultimately how to make it work for you! If you are seriously interested in learning more about this topic then join my newsletter to receive your free report. You will find it in the Extra Special Bit where you will also receive another must have free gift.
John Reece works from home as an Internet marketer producing quality ebooks to help others. He tries to be a little bit different by bringing workable business ideas for off-line and on-line use and produces an excellent highly recommended FREE NEWSLETTER
One of his latest highly rated business opportunity ebooks can be checked out at: - It is a simple business ideally suited to your own local town or city

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